June 2021 – Income Report

Summertime in blogging business is difficult – at least that is what they say… Is it true in my case? Let’s take a look at the numbers, numbers don’t lie.


YouTube Subscriber Status:

YouTube Subscriber Status:

Income From All My Sites - Summary:

Google Adsense


Amazon Associates





Amazon KDP

Which translates to USD: $20.28

Income Summary:

Google Adsense: $2.34                          (last month: $0.27)

Ezoic: $105.37                                          (last month: $95.72)

Amazon Associates: $2.27                    (last month: $10.67)

Amazon KDP: $20.28                              (last month: $49.56)

Etsy: $0.00                                                (last month: $0.00)

YouTube: $1.51+$13.52=$15.03          (last month: $0.64+$15.19 = $15.83)

Cj.com: $0.00

TOTAL: $145.29                                     (last month: $163.05)

As I can see it is a little bit less than the last month, but I think it is in the proper range. The regular $$$ fluctuations.